Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Monday, May 22, 2017

What's happening?

- Check out today's rare butterfly hair bow
- See the rim redo for today's rare
- The owls have taken over edit
Hey jammers!
How has your day been so far? Mine has been okay, I guess. I didn't really get what I wanted to complete today done again. But I am working on it:) In plus I still got like 5 hours before bed so it's all good!

Daily Item:
Today we have the rare butterfly hair bow sold in jam mart clothing for 850 gems!
This is a cute item, but I honestly see no difference from the original. Except for different colours.
I really wish they added patterns to some of their rims instead of just recolouring them all...
It would also be nice if they did more den item's as well! 850 is a bit overpriced for a head bow as well.

Here is what it looks like on a snowflake arctic wolf:
It actually looks kinda cute!

Rim Redo:
For this weeks rim redo I changed the body to yellowish orange and the blue and black to green and white! I also gave this weeks rim redo a special effect...  A GLOW EFFECT. Now if you buy this for the cheap price of 600 gems you can have a glowing effect added to it for free! How cool is that?
(I feel like DE typing that sentence aboveXD)

For this week's edit I decided to take the owl from the homepage and take a screenshot of the sky in Coral canyon then mimic the owls in the sky and add a text bubble. I gotta say though, this is one of my most favourite edits I have ever done! In a way I feel like every edit just keeps getting better and better. 

Blog News:
Yesterday I mentioned something about the blog's page views going down to a bit less than half than they used to be after I left for the 4 days. Today I wanted to talk about that a bit more. 
As I mentioned before we usually get around 200+ page views a day.
Yesterday only 36 pageviews, today only 31 so far.
If you look at this past week's stats you can really tell the difference.

I am not sure why this happening. I am sorry if some of you guys thought I stopped posting or something. But I don't know why this is posting. Please do not apologize in the comments cause I am not mad at you. I am just curious why this is happening. I didn't think not posting for 4 days would make a big difference since it hasn't happened in the past. Oh well. Hopefully we can get back to normal!
Do you enjoy AJ's rims?

Find where this image is located on the blog:
That's all for today jammers!
See ya tomorrow!


  1. Omg the redo looks awesome :o
    And I'm sorry about the views going down D: I check this blog a couple times a day

  2. I support the Animal Jam Palooza. That's where the picture is from.


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1. No swearing or cussing on this blog, this includes putting stars instead of the letters
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4. Please do not get mad at other jammers as well as bully, make sure to stay positive as this blog is suppose to be fun!
Thanks for following these rules!
- Violet


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1. Always say nice and fun things.
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