Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Back to school outfits

Hey jammers!
Today was my first day at school...
It was actually pretty good. Except for the fact that I wasn't feeling that great this morning...
So ya then we had dnt and we just did tests and stuff! Can you believe that? TESTS ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL? Hmm comment below if you have ever suffered from having tests on the first day of school. And on the way home my bus driver was like " I dont even know where I am going"
And then I come home 20 minutes later than I usually do which really throws things off. So basing it off of that The post will probably be 30 mins to -1hr later on weekdays. So ya.
Today we have the new... You know I don't even what new item we have.
So lets just skip that!

Today I decided to do a couple back to school outfits, since school is starting for everyone around the world whether it started a week ago or today you can still use these outfits!
There will be one for nonmembers and members. Because everyone is equal no matter what!
So lets begin...

Back to school aj outfits!
This outfit is fully nonmember approved!
All you will need is a backpack, ribbon scarf, woven shoes and nerd glasses.
Here are the prices and totals... Don't worry this outfit can be used on any animal and any colours!
Backpack: 400 gems
Woven shoes: 400 gems
Ribbon scarf: 500 gems
Nerd glasses: Trading only
Total:1300 gems + trading

I chose to do this on my cheetah consider I haven't changed it's outfit in... FOREVER!
All you need is a sports jersey, high top sneakers, heart locket, headphones.
This can be used on any animal and any colour! 
DJ headset: 2500 gems
Sports Jersey: 500 gems
Heart locket: Trading only or Valentines party?
High top sneakers: 400 gems
Total: 3400 gems+ Trading

Hope you enjoyed those outfits!

Thats all for today jammers!
See ya tomorrow!
- Violet

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- Violet


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