Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

I can be a sea cucumber too

Hey jammers!
Yesterday I was sharpening pencil crayons(my mom's prismacolours from when she was young) And so they were the scholar kind(I want my own prismacolour) and I was sharpening them by hand with a hand held sharpener and half way threw I got a blister. I decided to pop it. Then it stung. I then got another tiny  blister and kinda popped it:) Funnnnnnnnnnnnn. Not.
Anyways ya.

Today we have the returning wood stove sold in jam mart furniture for 550 gems!
Well I can't say much to this to describe it but.
Its from the old days when they used wood stoves.
Thats a fun fact! 

Before I post a randomness....
I have a funny story. So yesterday I was in jamaa.
When I saw a boy jammer say to a girl jammer I like you. So I like budded into the convo cause thats how I rolled..... I don't know why I told you guys that XD
MOM!!!!! I know Ive grown past your tiny height but please look!

Blog news
This isn't much of news but I am gonna edit the side bars and add a few more things. Maybe a Legendary Palooza radio? If that does happen the blog may be a bit laggy not to much though so don't worry!

That's all for today jammers!
See ya on thursday when the ARCTIC FOXES COME!

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- Violet


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