Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Friday, November 20, 2015

Arctic colours

Hey jammers!
Sorry for no post yesterday I wanted to get ahead of some work in class so I thought I would take it home. By now you have probably already seen the jamaa update but I will show it to you just incase:)
And what blog wouldn't want to post a jamaa update!
I mean really! 
So lets get to yesterdays update!

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So arctic foxes have arrived!
They are in the diamond shop like usual.
I think they should add another nm animal and new underwater animal! The arctic fox is also weird shape, and have like the same moves as the regular fox.
I would get one but idk cause I don't exactly wanna delete an animal to get it...

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Its been ages since they have! Very nice job AJHQ finally let nonmembers do more things.
Maybe this is a step to a new nm universe!

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Just informing us that you can now play on iPod and iPhone!
Soon android. So don't get your hopes low. Keep them high!

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Pet turkeys have arrived! Dey are soooo adorables:)
And a mini book for foxes.... Yay.....

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Just reminding us that in december everyday we get a gift!
Just because by the next jamaa update it will december!

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jamaaliday jam is coming back along with pet reindeers.

So I say this update was 7/10 maybe could be a bit better but I mean what else could happen to make it better. I noticed something....
So last update we got more clothes inventory, this one nonmembers can change colours. What do you think?

Thats all for today jammers!
See ya tomorrow if not sunday!
- Violet

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- Violet


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