Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Friday, May 25, 2018

Arctic Fun Facts

- Daily Item 
- Fun Facts
- Violet's Drawing 
Hey jammers!
Today was a very interesting day for me. I got a henna done. At my school we had these games where we would compete against other grades and score points and their was also a dunk tank. I wanted to dunk one of my teachers cause he was suppose to be in the dunk tank, but never was. So really disappointed about that. There was also food trucks, that now I just found out that had quesadillas. I love those things. But I didn't make it in time.... DX
Oh well, there is always next year:D 

Daily Item:

Today we have the returning woven shoes sold in jam mart clothing for 400 gems!
I always loved these shoes. The fact that they are nonmember and like 400 gems is such a good deal. 
They also go well with like every outfit:D

Here is what it look's like on a pig:
Arctic Fun Facts:
Since I am doing a project in school about the arctic and climate change, I thought I could post some fun facts about the arctic! So let's check these out!  (Also these fun facts are from justfunfacts.com)
(credit to rightful owner)

  • Takes up 1/6 of the Earth's surface
  • 1700 species ( about) live in the tundra of the arctic
  • The North Pole is located in the middle of the ocean
So there you have it!! A few fun facts!! 

Violet's Drawing:
About a month ago I started to work on this masterpiece.
Its suppose to be a window with a sky out of it. Although as you can probably tell its not done yet. 
I havent actually worked on it in like a month also so yeah...
Thats all for today jammers!! 
See ya soon:)


  1. Yeah, sorry about your teacher... Always want to dunk them to get back at when they assigned homework over Winter Break.


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- Violet


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