Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Saturday, July 1, 2017

A very Artastic and Canadian post

- Check out the returning croquet set
- This week's weekly masterpiece
- My drawing of a flower with a leaf falling off
- Canada Day Art
- Art and Canada Fun facts
Hey jammers!
Sorry for the lateish post. You probably wouldn't of had a post today like I mentioned yesterday but I didn't end up going to the place that I usually go to on Canada Day. Cause my friend who I haven't seen in awhile was in alberta then another friend I asked was visiting family tonight then my other friend was going with her family so she couldn't so.... I kinda gave up with asking friends, and in plus then there wouldn't have been enough time anyways.
There also isn't any jamaa news cause I did that in yesterday's post!

Daily Item:
Today we have the returning croquet set sold in jam mart furniture for 400 gems!
I think this item was actually one of my very first items on AJ.
Cool, eh?
This week's Weekly Masterpiece:
This week's masterpiece goes to...
These falls remind me of coral canyons and I love the cool shiny effect you added!

Violet's Drawing:
Here is the drawing that I was suppose to post on thursday.
Its not the best because I kinda rushed it. But here it is:
I added that airbrush tool and redid it with everything, to give it a kinda cool effect.

Canada Day Art 
Since today is Canada Day I decided to draw a picture to celebrate not only Canada's birthday but Canada's 150th birthday!
Hope you all Canadians out there like me enjoy that picture:)

Canada and Art Fun Facts:
- As of August 2013, Canada has 1453 airports
- The lowest temperature recorded in Canada is -81.4 degrees
- In 1967 eiffel tower was almost relocated to Canada

- Leonardo Di Vinci was a animal rights activist
- The oxford dictionary has 12 different meanings for the noun that we know as art
- Art used to be an olympic sport

Hope you guys enjoyed those facts and learned something new today!
Thats all for today jammers!
See ya soon!!
- Violet


  1. Thee art is so pretty and sparkly and so so colorful!


  2. The art is wonderful Violet! Glad to see a fellow Canadian blogger:)


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- Violet


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