Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Jamaa without phantoms?

- Check out today's new life guard's tower
- Imagine what AJ would be like without phantoms
- Learn cool tips and tricks for Graham's workshop
- Sign up to be jammer of the month for june!
Hey jammers!
How are you all today? Well I am doing fine, though I am kinda hungry even though I ate a lot today/
Today my friend came back from Ireland and so she was really jetlagged and so she kept laughing a lotXD It was actually quite funny! 

I seriously have so much stuff to do on the computer its not even funny.

Daily Item:
Today we have the new life guard tower sold in jam mart furniture for 550 gems!
This is also another cool item to have, if you have a waterpark den or beach den! And its nonmembers too!!
This is actually the first time we do the new topic, imagine on this blog with the new schedule.
For this week's imagine I would like you to imagine what AJ would be like with no phantoms.
Well in my opinion, there wouldn't be many adventures cause most of the adventures have phantoms in them which is one of the key points in adventures. We also might of not had Zios and Mira find this land if it wasn't for phantoms. 
Comment down what you'd imagine AJ to be like with no phantoms

A random jammer just put pins inside of me?

Tips and Tricks:
Not to say that I have played graham's workshop much, considering I haven't played it all yet this year or that new adventure.But in order to give some tips and tricks for it I have to go and give a quick play of it to review some stuff. Here is some tips and tricks:
1. Get one natural resource at a time and lots of it
If you want to make sure you get a lot of a specific resource you are gonna have to make sure you stay in that area that has that resource and get all of it that you can find. Then move to the next area. Be sure to get lots of that material as well!

2. If you have a specific item in mind make sure you get the right materials for it
If you have a specific item in mind that you wanna craft you are gonna want to make sure you search for the right resources for it and fulfill the amount of resource it needs. Don't go around getting random resources if you don't even need them for that item

3. Stay in one area at a time
Before you start to waste time by running around the whole land of the adventure make sure you stay in one area at a time and get all the materials there that you can. 

Hopefully you can use those tips and tricks in the future. If not don't worry:)

Legendary Paloozian of the Month For June Sign ups:
Since may has come to an end we will need a new jammer to be legendary Paloozian of the month!
If you would like to be it please comment down the following....
- Username
- Favourite Animal of yours
- Your favourite pet of yours
- Why you would like to be LPOTM
I will be accepting entries up to this Thursday, which gives you guys 2 days to enter!

Last time no one signed up so if this is the case again I will choose the jammer to be the legendary paloozian of the month. 

Thats all for today jammers!
See ya tomorrow!!

1 comment:

  1. AJ would be really really really weird without Phantoms.. and no adventures! XD


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- Violet


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