Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The Mini Pop Quiz (The fun post)

- Check out the new Graduation gown
- Be sure to have fun doing today's mini challenge 
- A Mini pop quiz
Hey jammers!
Sorry for not posting yesterday I was doing math which part of it honestly confused me.
So once I asked my mom for help, she explained it to me and it was SO SO MUCH EASIER:D
My fidget cube also came after waiting like 2 months for it. And its kinda loud... So I might end up buying another one from the store instead if it doesn't cost like 20 dollars. 
I also decided that for my kawaii character it is gonna be a platypus!

If I don't post on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.
I have my dance dress rehearsal tomorrow, then the 2 recitals Friday and Saturday.
I will try to post but if I can't you know where I am:)

Also no one commented for the howl of the week yet so be sure to do that aswell!!

Daily Item:
Today we have the new graduation dress sold in jam mart clothing for 500 gems!
This is a nice item to add!
Didn't they just add a graduation hat the other day too?

Here is what it looks like on Arctic Foxes:
Okay, so for today's free post. I was gonna do the least visited places in Jamaa but I am actually so not in the mood right now and I am talking to Swirl right now! And frozen as well who I just met today:)
So instead I thought of doing a mini pop quiz. So be prepared!!
The Mini Animal Jam Pop Quiz
1. When did Aj first get released?
a) 2012
b) 2010
c) 2017
d) 2013

2. What were the original 6 animals?

3. True or False
Did alphas used to be called Shamans?

4. What was the first adventure called?

5. Name one of my favourite animals
(theres a lot)

And there you have it! The Mini AJ POPQUIZ!!
Whoever can get the most answers correct wins a small prize!
Be sure to comment your answers down below:)
Mini Challenge:
In another tab... Find the price of the following 7 items in 3 1/2 minutes!
1. Designer skirt
2. Spiked Collar
3. Cami's frog
4. Tan carpert
5. Guitar
6. Drums
7. Head dress

I know some of them aren't in stores and thats why you search them up in another tab!
If you can search all of these in 3 and a half minutes then you will get a prize!
So make sure to comment them down as well! Even if you don't get to far I'd love it if you could comment down how far you got. For all I know, I am not sure if this is even possible!!
Thats all for today jammers!
See ya around!!


Hey jammers! Here is just a list of commenting rules you need to follow before commenting.
1. No swearing or cussing on this blog, this includes putting stars instead of the letters
2. Don't copy any people's comments
3. If you are commenting anonymous make sure to comment down your username as well
4. Please do not get mad at other jammers as well as bully, make sure to stay positive as this blog is suppose to be fun!
Thanks for following these rules!
- Violet


Remember these rules while visiting the AJLP blog:
1. Always say nice and fun things.
2. Ask positive questions.
3. No inappropiate behavior! Always good behavior!
4. No swearing or being mean.

If you follow these rules then you will have a fun and safe time!
Remember that every Jammer is cool just the way they are! Fun and happy jamming!