Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Monday, May 16, 2016


Hey jammers!
Sorry for not posting on friday, my stomach had a horrible cram. Saturday I was gonna post but I went to see the huntsman winter's war. Which by the way great its being added to my favourites! Id recommend you see it if you haven't yet. And yesterday I was gonna post and work on a new youtube video except I fell asleep and took a napXD
Today we have the rare hat with dreadlocks sold in the summer carnival for 5000 tickets!
Woo thats expensive:E
This is quite interesting.. Actually I have not one bit to like this:/
Its like 2 shades of the same colour and then pink. The colour combo is nice but in reality... 
Its also quite expensive

So for now since we have this new feature see the item on before you buy it I've decided to show what the item would look like on an animal. I was gonna start this either way if the feature were here or not. so. I might also start this with the den items. 
This is what the item looks like on koalas. 
Actually looks like it fits it quite well so thats a positive:)

Rim redo
Its kinda pastel colours but it looks nice. My redo reminds me of a squid XD

I am gonna be giving the blog a new label for the daily item.. Even though their is always the daily item.

Chicken smoothie pets video
Chicken smoothie video
I was trying to get it to pop up the other way but it wasn't loading....
Its for like people who play chicken smoothie so ya!

Thats all for today jammers!
See ya tomorrow! BYE!


  1. I watched Winter's War too; I think it's got way too much kissing. They literally eat eachother's lips.

    Winter's War had horrible reviews though.

    If you haven't already, go and watch Zootopia (though I'm pretty sure you already have)

    1. I'm not really interested in many animated videos so I don't plan on seeing zootopia


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- Violet


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