Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Sunday, September 13, 2015

Schedule shirt

Hey jammers! 
I have a bUsy afternoon ahead of me. I'm making pies with my brother. 
And I might be going to the fair for a few hours depending on the weather. 
Cause yesterday it was cold and rainy and today it rained a bit so my mom said we would see!
And I wanna go cause I didn't last year:(
Also I have some exciting news for those who like a change!

Today we have the returning Ty dy shirt sold in jam mart clothing for 500 gems!

Anyways this tye dye shirt is back again!
It never has really interested me much. But then again I have never bought soooooo.
But when I have seen it it looked pretty good!

Cool pic!

I was actually trying to make this for the post on Friday.
Except it didn't work out:( It also represents fall. Since it is in like in 2 weeks!
Of course everyone knew that:P 

And I have some blog news!
Blog news
Okay remember when I mentioned through out the summer I was gonna change the schedule?
Well now I am! Today I will be making a new schedule with a few new things added.
But I can't spoil it all! I'm sorry if you guys liked this schedule but it was hard for me to post the same things all the time and find something new for it! Also with this new schedule there will be more Belle the rhino so keep your eyes open:O Cause the ajlp is getting better posts then ever!

That's all for today jammers!
See ya tomorrow!


  1. It was rainy for me too, :L Anyway Im happy about any new sechulde you make! I love the ty-dye t-shirt I just think its an interesting item to have!
    -your buddy,
    PS can`t wait to see more belle the rhino!


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- Violet


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