Hey jammers!
I hope you enjoyed yesterdays post.
Today we have the new mad scientist hair sold in jam mart clothing for 750 gems!
This is actually a pretty cool item!
I would get it if I had the gems to waste on it which I do but I wanna get all the raccoon tail colours so I need to save up my gems so I can buy the tickets.
Although this item isn't exactly straight up like mad scientist it still is pretty cool!
I will buy this eventually:)
Violet's drawing
I'm actually don of my picture for once.
This one kinda expresses feelings. I don't know how it does but it just does.
Well purple is idk green is sick blue is sad and red is mad.
Have you wondered why ajhq only has 3 big cats instead of all?
This is actually a very good wonder. Ajhq has only 3 big cats or more.
Why doesn't ajhq add all like, lynx, ocelots and more!
Maybe they only have the top most endangered.
Comment what you think!
The story about how the fountain came to be.
Once upon a time there was an AJHQ they wanted to add a fountain so they did.
The end!
Thats all for today jammers!
See ya tomorrow!
Purple is Fear