Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Sunday, June 7, 2015

Daily explorer changing?

Hey jammers!
I'm sorry I haven't posted like all week again. It was another busy week for me cause of dance recital basically that was the main thing I've also been busy with homework I'm out of school in like 2-3 weeks so posts should be daily! I'm sorry this has happened again. I truly am. 
I should be on aj later today which I've been erging to go on. And then I will hopefully update the blogs template.
There's a few things I wanna do on aj but those require being a member soo I'll have to wait till later this week for a membership which I've been waiting for like 3 or more weeks:( Anyways I'm really sorry I hope and try to promise this will be a better week!

Today we have the new ring of fire sold in the summer carnival for 1000 tickets!

This is actually good kinda though I don't know how big it is. 
I don't see many people using it but that's just me. Why hasn't aj brought items back from last year like the raccoon tail? 
Hmm that's very interesting usually they bring items back before new ones. Maybe they are changing it up a bit which would be good?
So many question marks????? XD?

Let's talk: Daily explorer
Ok so this is kinda like a talking about aj post so that's why this is underneath the new item.
The reason I'm here today though it to talk about some changes in the daily explorer if you haven't noticed the daily explorer seems less !!!!!! And ????? And less capital letters and short posts.. Let's look at some recent posts...

If you haven't noticed the title only has ????.
The rest has periods and ! This is a good start for aj maybe they have finally realised that no one enjoys the !!!!!!!!! Posts. 
This post is also a good size seeing that posts used to be like 3 sentences and !!!!!?????. 

Even look at this post there is a a lot of info here and only one !!!. 
This is a good start for ajhq. 
Even though they may stick bold letters and capitalize them sometimes it's still good for them.
Maybe I will post the DE again since stopped posting it due to the spam of question marks and exclamation marks and everything else wrong with the posts. 

But now look at this....

They have a new magazine!
You can check it out by clicking the wild explorers magazine on the de post....

Plushie challenge

Since no one entered last weekend except for one I would like you to comment on this post your entry your entry must be like this...
If you guys don't know this is a challenge I will be doing for the month of June.
What you have to do is fill your den with as many plushies as you can. The den most only contain PLUSHIES.
If you are nonmember you can fill up more than one den since you guys have less space in your den for items.
I will be checking everyone's progress on weekend and will be posted here!
Hope you guys can enter!

That's all for today jammers!
See ya tomorrow!
What do you think the jamaa journal will have this week?


  1. POOO I forgot about that challenge! I will try it, for REAL this time! Oh, and BTW, LOVE the new background!!!

  2. I have a plushie den, but it has other stuff too, my username is mcducke, I'm using my plushie den right now so you can go check it out plez.


Hey jammers! Here is just a list of commenting rules you need to follow before commenting.
1. No swearing or cussing on this blog, this includes putting stars instead of the letters
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3. If you are commenting anonymous make sure to comment down your username as well
4. Please do not get mad at other jammers as well as bully, make sure to stay positive as this blog is suppose to be fun!
Thanks for following these rules!
- Violet


Remember these rules while visiting the AJLP blog:
1. Always say nice and fun things.
2. Ask positive questions.
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If you follow these rules then you will have a fun and safe time!
Remember that every Jammer is cool just the way they are! Fun and happy jamming!