Hey jammers!
I honestly have no idea what to post about today.
So I'm just gonna be doing the new item and posting some pictures I have!
Sound good? I think it's a plan!
So today's new item is the clover fountain sold in jam mart furniture for 550 gems?
I have to admit I really really really like this items.
Awww it just looks super cool!
I have a question for you guys.
If you would like any daily thing like fun facts or something like please comment them below cause I'm changing the posting schedule and I wanna hear from you guys!
And now some pictures...
Exploding balloons.
Well only one picture oh well!
Oh YA! UMMMM um um um if any of you guys have plant items Or something please trade them I am in urgent need of them.
And to fill up time.
Gkugkfitydifydcmhgghcghxgfurstisrdcvvbghguppyghijbshsidicjcnhfhfjfkdkskzkxmcnncncndndnndjsjskaoskxkxjxnxncbcbdndndmskksksksisieududhdhdbcbnxmssmmskslskskdjdncbcbcb. Cbjdndfggcndbrvfvfhdjdjjcchhchcg g vhfhfjdjdndbdbfbfbfbchchcjjjxjxucudjdjdhdhdhbdhfhfhfjfjfjfjdndneheieodjfnfndhslwowlslsksksksmsmndhfhfhfurjdkxkmxnchfjdmxmcnfjdkxmcncbcbhfdhdjksksmxnxbchfhfhdkdksksksjcjfhkdksmxhcjdksmxjchchcnnccnncnchfhchcncncn.
Oh and of you see any words in this comment them beLow and you will get a shout out:)
That's all bye!
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- Violet