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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

back with the new hat

Hey jammers!
I am back from the holidays with even better posts than ever!
Since it is 2015 I plan for some great fun stuff for this blog!
So todays new item is the knitted. This item may keep your head super warm just for the winter!
This hat is sold in the hot cocoa hut in mountain shiver for 250 gems!
Wow that is super cheap! Why doesn't ajhq have an item like this for nonmembers?
I mean nonmembers need to keep there heads warm too right?

Outfit of the week
I made this outfit the other day for my deer.
Here is a list of all the items that you need.
Gazelle horns
Ribbon scarf
Cape thing
Elf bracelets
All these items can be bought right now at your local store in jamaa!
Next week if I remember the outfit will be for nonmembers!

Epic den of the week
Oh no! The title is crossed out! AAAAAHHHHHH! The world is ending!!!
Well i've decided that no one ever sends in epic dens so all the presure is put on me to find one. So if or when someone does I will do epic den of the week but for now I won't do it:)

Jamaa news!
Some of you might of noticed that there wasn't a jamaa journal update on thursday and we are still in jamaaliday mode!
Well atleast the jamaalidays is longer and you can still enjoy these fun decorations like Mr. Huggable snowman!
He's a snowman who just wants a hug. Poor snowman never gets hugs:( 
Now let's not forget all the wonderful decorations that we had this year!
And now for last and favourite decoration that I will truly miss is this campfire!
I really hope that this and the snowman will stay in jamaa. They really add a nice touch to the world of jamaa!

And I almost forgot about one thing!
Daily explorer
Wow some super cool facts on that video!

Thats all for today jammers! See ya later! And remember to keep being a jamming jammer!
I need a new signature so..

- violet


  1. To much homework will finish givaway tomorrow

  2. AJHQ views nonmembers sorta like poor people because the only winter items I think they really have are scarves (yay :3), old blankets (um cold o.o), and old hoods (basically a worn-down/patchy hood). Wait, there's sweaters too! Ah... Anywho, nonmembers basically can only buy old hoods to protect their heads/faces from the cold (not including Jamaaliday Gifts). Um ya. owo

  3. congrats puppyfalina u won the givaway


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- Violet


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