Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Thursday, September 4, 2014

Sweet and sour sugarr gliders+ more

Hey jammers!
Today is jamaa journal update day! Lets see what they?
Erm aj isn't loading fast! WHY AJ WHY!
Yay sugar gliders they look so cute! I wish I could get one but im saving up for a otter!

I got to try this code out one second I will...
Yay a new armour set that looks amazing!

The egyptian treasure came out after the ice cream parlour came out does this mean that the hair salon will be coming out?

COWS!!!! OMG COWS ARE COMING TO JAMAA!!! YAY!!! MOO MOO MOO MOO MOO MOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sadly the beta party is soon leaving for the summer

The summer carnival is coming to an end:( I will miss you summer carnival see you next year!

And lastly with an advertisement but who cares about that?
Todays new item is the egytian treasure series!
They are so shiny I love it!

This birthday cake is kind of small compared to others no fense aj I like tho!

Well I thinks thats it for today jammers! 


  1. Uh Violet is says a animal is coming back; Pandas. And the cake when you click the pawprints a lot of times it turns into an awesome cake with a bunny on top!


  2. Sugar gliders: NEED ONE I spent my diamonds on an otter but now I need a glider!

    Animal: not cows, pandas coming back!

    Cake: click the paw prints toes and it grows!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY AJ!!!!!!!!!!


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- Violet


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