Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Thursday, December 7, 2017

My Lame But Cute Orange Comic:)

- Daily item
- Comic/Drawing
- New BoxMonster Post
Hey jammers!
This week started off kinda rough, not because of school. 
A semi personal reason, which as of now I don't wanna post about to the whole world. But you all know how it feels when your pet passes away or gets put down...:( You can probably tell what I am talking about... So yeah I am not going into to that conversation today. 
I would be posting the LPOTM for december but I don't feel like it and to be honest. I am sure I will have a post this weekend, (hopefully) (fingers crossed)
Though crossing fingers never really works for me so I don't know why I said that XD

Anyways onto Le Post of the le day:)

Daily Item:
Today we have the returning royal jamaaliday cape sold in jam mart clothing for 450 gems!
Bare with me, I am not even sure if this is today's item but you know whatever:P
Anyways, its a nice jamaaliday colour which gets you into the christmas spirit. Cause yeah know, Christmas is in less than 20 days! woo woo!

Here is what it looks like on penguins:
Almost like a blanket XD

The Orange comic:
Okay, so today is Violet's Drawing and mini comic. Since I didn't have any drawing to post on here of mine that I have made recently though I am working on two at the moment, though I just haven't had time. I decided to make the mini comic which is probably the most boring comic you read, since I seriously spent no time and wasn't using my wacom tablet either. So here it is...

The END! 
I really could have continued it but I decided not cause I am not in the mood to draw on the computer without a drawing tablet and I am to lazy to get it even though its basically right beside me almost XD
Anyways hope you enjoyed this comic!!

Box monster will also be releasing a post shortly so be sure to check that out:)
Thats all for today jammers!
See ya soon!!


  1. *is about to say something* *stops*
    *hugs Vi*
    *whispers* I’m sorry. :(

    Lovely comic. ;)

  2. @ lost *Hugs back*
    Thanks for all your support Lost:)

    @Transions and Lost Thanks!!


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- Violet


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