- jamaa journal

Hey hey hey.
Hey jammers!!
Can I get heyyyyy Violet? XD
See what I just did there guys lolol. You guys are probably either laughing right now or are like wow, Violet. Anyways, I was trying to do a remake of that song.
Anyways I am back here again today 2 weeks later. Sorry for not posting since the two weeks... I've been busy, and enjoying my own summer, although the most enjoyment I get is in the evening when i'm not busy working or on my days off.
Yesterday we received a new update. So let's check it out! It definitely seems better than the past few
that we have gotten as well as the wild weekend.
Jamaa Journal:
This weekend we have the call of the wild, wild weekend. I actually really love these naturey themed items, though they seem like they could have been editted from previous items. I mean c'mon the leaves obviously look similar, and the fire too... I do like how 3 of these items are non member, which is great!!
I think it would be cool if they did a wild weekend for music.
The foxes are here!! I actually love the pattern on these foxes.
The fantasy castle has returned. To be honest, I don't think I actually ever realized this den was leaving in the first place. I do really like this den though, and I am glad it's back!! :D
Toucans an eagles have travelled back! I didn't even realize these left either...
Pet owls are back!! I love these owls. I remember the animal jam sky blog having a fashion show with pets, and so I entered my owl. I think it was one of the winners or one of the close winners. Than she later became the pet of the month!! The name for those who remember that blog... EarthOwl!
The summer eggstravaganza is ending. I haven't been on AJ as much as I was hoping to this summer, but I don't really think the summer eggstravaganza was that popular, I haven't even seen any of these creatures flying around XD
Hmmmm. I wonder what this could mean. I'm not sure. Maybe its a page filler, maybe the horses are coming back. (they left right? or maybe they didn't as you can tell I don't really pay attention to that type of stuff lol)
Desert armour is here! Abstract items will be coming soon!! Did we have abstract items last year? I can't remember. I feel like those items do look familiar. Either way Im happy for this set to be here in jamaa!!
They changed the loading screen, if your adobe flash isn't connecting properly.
Here are the wild weekend items:
A new fire pit, some tree stumps, some leaf items, oh a cave item we already have.
Then we have a tree stump with a heart, but the picture can change depending which one you buy.
Plus a dirt patch.
What do you think about these wild weekend items?
What did you think of this jamaa journal update?
Let me know in the comments :)!!
I rate this update a...
8.5/9 out of 10!!
Hopefully I can get some more interesting quality posts before school starts in a little more than a week, though don't be surprised, if there isn't a post until later in September!! I guess this occasional posting or semi frequent posting is okay, it doesn't feel as pressured, and at this point in time i'd rather focus my life on other things I am more interested in. Plus I have other things to do on the computer too than blog about AJ XD

That's all for today jammers!
This reminds me that I still need to fix the page image maps on the blog sidebars, still. I worked on it this summer, but haven't since and that was in like July.. Whoops XD
See you soon :)
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- Violet