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Saturday, May 5, 2018

Sarepia Forest Theatre Exploration

- Daily Item
- Weekly Masterpiece
- Jamaa Explorations
Hey jammers!
Im not really excited for tomorrow, considering I have to go somewhere that I'd rather not go, but I guess on the positive side I get to make money:) Which is always nice!
Okay, so I have been trying to find a topography app for my phone, but I couldn't find a good one with what I wanted so then I thought of pic monkey. I check to see if picmonkey has an app for android. Turns out they do. Then I find it and it turns out it isn't compatible for my device! Is that not a bummer? It would have been perfect though... Oh well guess I will have to keep searching!
(also a nonmember again!)

Anyways let's get onto today's post shall we?
Daily Item: 
Today we have the camoflauge boots sold in jam mart clothing for 400 gems!
These are a nice pair boots. Now that I think of it, all these years these boots would go well with quite a few outfits. 

Aw, such a good fit on pigs. They look so cute!!

Weekly Masterpiece:
This week's masterpiece goes to... 
Congrats on having your masterpiece featured!
I love the kawaii look that you made Pikachu! It is just so cute:) 
Its also nice that it is pixelated. 

Jamaa Exploration- Sarepia Forest Theatre:
I don't think I have done an exploration of the Sarepia Forest before, so I thought why not do it now?
In the middle is the big screen that broadcasts the video. Then in from as you can see are little tables with pillows to sit by so you can watch the videos. If you click the video bookcase, you can see all the videos that are viewed in the threatre. Then if you click the book you can read about the animals in jamaa!

There you have it:) 
Thats all for today jammers!
See ya soon! 
(Btw, I just watched the modern major kangaroo video on aj today for the first time... its so strange I am weirded out...)


  1. Yeah... Modern Major Kangaroo is kind of a mess XD

    This also reminds me, I need to write up the next Rediscovering Jamaa post on my blog. Not today (bc I have homework in every class) but soon... soon I will.


  2. The Modern Major Kangaroo is strange XDD



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- Violet


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