Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Sunday, May 20, 2018

Can you guess where this image is located in the World Map Of Jamaa?

- Daily Item
- Howl of the week
- Mini Challenge, Guessing locations
Hey jammers!
How are you all today? I was going to post yesterday but I went and saw the movie Showdogs with my friend. The dogs were so cute and little funny. The baby panda was also ADORABLE and it made these little noises. They were just so cute I loved it:) So yesterday when I was on snap chat I realized that I couldn't find my maze runner stickers that I got exclusively from the death cure dvd and so I tried scanning the code again and I saved it but they didn't appear.... I WANT MY MAZE RUNNER STICKERS!! XD 
I only basically have like one day left of my 4 day weekend which is kinda unfortunate:( And a good portion of it is actually gonna be spent watching the maze runner movies:D Both that adds up to probably like 6-7 hours.... Oh well :P

Anyways, let's get on with today's post shall we?

Daily Item:
Today we have the returning gazelle horns sold in jam mart clothing for 250 gems!
These are actually much cheaper than I remember. I always liked the gazelle horns cause they go well with any outfit most of the time and they look good on all animals! I wish they were non member though.

This is what they look like on a pig:
Aw kinda cute, eh?

Howl of The Week:
Considering we haven't done the howl of the week in awhile, I thought it would be nice to start fresh with a new howl, because I don't recall receiving any new howls from anyone.

This week's question is....
What is your opinion on the ancient features coming to the game, for example the ancient animals?

Make sure to comment down your howls in the comments for a chance to be featured next time around:) 

Can you guess which parts of Jamaa these pictures are from?
For today, I thought we could do a bit of a mini challenge. 
This is a bit of a mini quiz, guess you could say. I will be posting a few images from the world map of Jamaa and posting them here.

Your job is to guess where these images are from without looking at the Animal Jam Map! 
Then once you have figured out the answers comment them down below:)
( I will try to reveal the answers next time I post, so sometime later this week, hopefully unless I forget..)

Make sure to comment down your answers!!

Awhile, ago sometime last year, I would do a few questions at the end of the post. One would be about the post and another would be just a fun question, like a riddle or joke. I was actually suppose to this whenever I felt cause it became a little much everyday or something like that. Anyways, I thought to start that up again today!! Hopefully I don't happen to forget about it this time. 

 What is your favourite colour of gazelle horn?


The person who made it never used it and the person who used it never saw it, what is it?

Make sure to comment down your answers in the comments! The riddle answer will hopefully be revealed the next time I post, if I remember. 

That's all for today jammers!! 
See ya soon!!

"Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget"
(going to start adding a quote at the end of post now, before I sign off)


  1. I love Gazelle Horns!

    First image:
    Sarepia Forest? Or the Northeast part of the map?

    Second image:
    Erm... Is it the side of Appondale?

    Third image:
    Bahari Bay, obviously. Easy money.

    I know the riddle because I've heard it before, won't spoil it for others... Great post!


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- Violet


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