Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Friday, July 14, 2017

Discussing Nonmember Rights.?

- Check out the new unicorn floatie
- We explore Jammer Central located in Jamaa Township
- Discussing Nonmember rights
Hey jammers!
My internet still isn't working properly with this computer I am using. It has been working fine with all the devices we have. Maybe I just need to restart the computer I am using, which I should try after this post. Depending what time my brother and dad are done in the kitchen this may be an early post, considering I was gonna do a watercolour painting but I have to wait until they are done which I don't know how long that will be. So instead I decided to start the post now instead of it possibly coming later than usual. And if it ends up being early. Then it ends up being early. Which I am sure some of you wouldn't mindXD

Daily Item:
Today we have the new unicorn floatie sold in jam mart clothing for 900 gems!
I must admit I kinda like this item. It's a different item for AJ to have and the face kinda reminds of the unicorn evolution, if you have seen those apps. Not that I have played one before. It also is kinda expensive too.

Here is what it look's like on a toucan:
Jamaa Explorations-Jammer Central:
For today's exploration I thought we could explore jammer central in Jamaa Township.
So here we go!
To access the jammer central which is easy. You just click the giant bulletin board in the centre of the land.

Which will then bring you to this...
If you click the see whats new it will show you all the updates for Playwild. 
To the left of that there is a gallery of pictures that some people sent in and that got accepted which you can view by clicking that big awesome image!
Underneath the image is a submit your work, so you can submit any of your work!
Then in the left bottom corner there is a video for pixel painting!!
Hope you had fun exploring jammer central.

I just noticed that the images in the gallery now have your actual username which Im pretty sure they had your animal name unless I am thinking of the howls. Speaking of howls they took them away:(

For this week I thought of a good topic to discuss about. I feel like this is a topic that would work so much better if more people read this blog but thats okay, cause I can still hear feedback from numerous of you guys! So for this week's discussion I thought to talk about nonmember rights in animal jam. Now I am not sure if nonmember rights is a good way to put it but. 
What I mean though is, you know how some people say...
- Nonmembers deserve more
-They are not treated fairly
- Member's are rude to nonmembers 
- Nonmembers actually have a good variety on AJ compared to other games
And stuff like well thats what I would love to hear you guys talk about in the comments!

So please.... Make sure to comment down below!

This post is actually coming around it's normal time since someone I knew came to my house for a quick visit. And my dad finished in the kitchen quicker than I thought so I had a bit more time to work on my watercolour painting!
That's all for today jammers!
See ya tomorrow!!


  1. This is a good topic!!

    Non-members on AJ definitely have way more freedom than they do in other games, so I applaud AJ on that. Sure, they would deserve a litttleee more BUT AJ needs money sooo... XD

    I agree that members are quite rude to non-members but also, I see a lot of rude non-members too. *cough cough spinny bois cough* You're bound to find a handful of rude members AND non-members anywhere in Jamaa.

    So, yes, they should maybe get a little more but honestly, they have it off pretty good. AJ DOES give member animals to them at times and they made pigs and giraffes for everyone, along with the pet giraffes.

  2. I think non members have enough, all they need is freedom to do the pet wash and dress up their pets AND make masterpieces XD

    *is glad I have a howl plaque XD*

  3. I have a howl plaque too
    But i'm a non member so i cant buy the unicron tutu thingi

  4. Lol, that unicorn floaty is so funny! ^.^
    I think NM's have enough. Even though AJHQ has been giving members a lot of stuff lately.
    They've also been giving NM's stuff too!
    *Husky Ninja

    PS Sorry I haven't been commenting AT ALL for a long time. :(


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1. No swearing or cussing on this blog, this includes putting stars instead of the letters
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4. Please do not get mad at other jammers as well as bully, make sure to stay positive as this blog is suppose to be fun!
Thanks for following these rules!
- Violet


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2. Ask positive questions.
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Remember that every Jammer is cool just the way they are! Fun and happy jamming!