- Check out today's returning Phantom Arch
- Check out the new page added to the jamaa journal
- A Mini Comic
Hey jammers!
How are you guys today?
Today was the last day for me of going to elementary school with all my friends:( I have like all of them on snapchat and instagram and I plan on keeping in touch with them all especially my best friend ever too. It sucks that i'm the only one of the bunch basically(besides someone who I talk to the odd time) going to a different high school. Anyways, I should probably stop thinking about how much I am gonna miss my friends and classmates.But a good 15 are going where I am (of class mates) so I guess thats good right? But then there is someone who I know from dance thats going to the same high school as me and she's nice!
Daily Item:
Today we have the returning phantom arch sold in jam mart furniture for 700 gems!
I feel like this got released yesterday or something but I am not sure and I don't feel like checking all the stores so..... It is a perfect item if you want a phantom themed den!
Jamaa Journal:
A new page has been added to the jamaa journal about freedom day...
*Brain storms ideas quickly for this week's mini comic*
*Thinks of good idea*
:Runs away:
That comic was a bit longer than I had plannedXD
Whoops. Oh well! Thanks for the help of being the superhero Gracie!
We were gonna have violet's drawing today except my mom needed me while I was working on the drawing and I have to go shortly so I will post it tomorrow!!!
Thats all for today jammers!
See ya tomorrow!
- Violet
XD nice comic! :D