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Monday, June 12, 2017

Fire Breathing Lion

- Check out today's expensive RIM(the diamond necklace)
- Redo of the rare diamond necklace
- My fire breathing lion edit
Hey jammers!
So I actually didn't do to well on my most recent science test...
I haven't been doing to well in science this term:( I feel like he marked some of them as a mistake though. But I doubt it. Then again I suck at science so what can I say? I really hope I do okay next year in science, cause if not. I am screwed!

Daily item:
Today we have the rare diamond necklace sold in epic wonders for 5000 gems!
Yep thats right another expensive RIM.
AJ really needs to stop with these expensive RIM's.

Here is what it looks like on otters:
Not to bad actually:P
Rim redo:
For today's rim redo I made the price 2,500 gems, changed the diamond to a mustard yellow and added spots. I also made the chain part pink!
Im not sure which one I like better.

Edit/Animation- My fire breathing lion:
This was originally gonna be my lion with just fire coming out but then I decided to animate the fire a bit. Hopefully this animation show's properly on here:) If not it may just show the picture of my lion breathing fire... Awwww pooop it saved as a png not gif!!
Here we go...
I really hope this shows properly and you like it!!
If not I am really sorry about that:(
Why do you think AJ is making the RIM's super expensive?
That's all for today jammers!
See ya tomorrow!

1 comment:

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- Violet


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