Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Thursday, May 11, 2017


- Check today's jamaa journal update!
Hey jammers!
My binder for school has a handle on it and so today it broke! YAY! So I am gonna try and get my mom to sew it soon. If not hopefully she can this summer before next year. So you guys know how I was trying to get a membership on my account and it didn't work the like 10-20 times I tried? Well with my bank you get a monthly letter saying how much you spent and how much you have in your account and so on. Well I got that yesterday for the month of april and... 6 TIMES THE MEMBERSHIP TRANSACTION WENT THROUGH! 6 TIMES!! 5/6 times I didn't even receive the membership until the latest time which got me the membership. So, I emailed AJ and they said to email them the email attached to that account and billing info... But Im not sure if I should go to the bank first before I respond or respond to it before... And my brother said I should ask my mom(well our mom) to see cause I haven't even told her yet... Which I kinda have to do XD

So I was gonna tell you guys this on monday but... Next week from Tuesday the 16th to Friday the 19th there will be no posts! I am going on a school trip so I won't be able to post! The bus ride there is 10 hours unfortunately.

But onto greater news....

Page 1
To begin with AJ changed the jamaa journal. I don't like the new jamaa journal it is almost like Play wild's jamaa journal! And tbh it's not even a journal!
Yesterday, AJ's sneak peak was snow falling everywhere on every land. And I think everyone thought it meant snow was gonna fall all over AJ and it would become winter again... But they just brought winter arctic wolves! Which is cool in away! Its kinda like the spring bunnies in a way. Except arctic wolves with a snowflake pattern. 

Page 2
The summer carnival is back! I am actually so happy!
I feel like it comes a bit earlier every year... Or is that just me?

Page 3
They have added a new pet! I wonder what it is?
If you end up finding out what it is please make sure to comment it down!

Page 4
The beach house has returned as well as the phoenix armour.

Page 5
It turns out that coyotes are actually coming and not fennec foxes which everyone thought XD
To be hoenst I am not actually fond of coyotes in real life but I think the coyotes on AJ by the picture will look cute! And there has already been a picture leaked which now that I think I think about it I should have posted that on tuesday for the jamaa newsXD

Page 6
Just a reminder about the 1000 animals for members.

Page 7
Falcons are travelling and lions will be leaving soon.

Page 8
There is a sail for retail gift cards!

Page 9
Just a reminder about the ocean diamond shops and farm fun!

Page 10
A reminder about storming the fortress.
I actually haven't played it yetXD Whoops....

I rate this jamaa journal an 8/10

Do you like the new jamaa journal look? Why or why not?

Thats all for today jammers!
See ya tomorrow!


  1. I miss the old Jamaa Journal layout a lot. :( The update is pretty neat, though! I love the snowflake arctic wolves. Also, I was really shocked to hear that the new animal is a coyote, because I swore it was going to be a fennec fox. Oh well! XD

  2. Why did they change the jamaa journal!?!? It's to Play Wildish, :( But I'm super glad about the eggs! :D And the coyotes are su cute :o


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- Violet


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