Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Monday, February 27, 2017

Scarf a lot

- Check out today's rare scarf and spring items!
- See the rare's redo
-A picture drawn by Violet
Hey jammers!
There has always been 1 game that I get then delete then get then delete. That game is called Sims Freeplay. I seriously love sims! So this weekend I got it back, yep. I am out of ideas for topic at the moment so if you have an idea pleeeeeeeease comment them below!
Let's check out today's items!
Daily items:
Today we have the rare heart scarf sold in jam mart clothing for 750 gems!
 This is an okay item. I feel like it should be 650.

Here is what it looks like on a Giraffe:

Today's spring items are the spring worn and another head item!
The spring worn is nonmember and sold for 2 diamonds and the head item is sold for 3 diamonds.
I think AJ does a nonmember item every other day for this spring event which is actually really nice of them!

Rim redo:
You can probably tell I was feeling lazy by this pictureXD
So I changed the hearts to a nice turqoisey colour thinga mabober.
And the main colour to a nice tan/light brown colour!

TopicViolet's Drawing:
Like I said at the beginning of the post. I have no ideas for topic right now so I will be doing a drawing instead. If you have any topic suggestions be sure to comment them down below!
I actually don't know what to draw right now honestly, but I will think of something don't worry!
I actually kinda like this drawing. I totally could of made it look MUCH MUCH BETTER! 
How do you feel about nonmembers getting a spring item every other day?

Solve this riddle:
I go in hard, I come out soft. You blow me hard. What am I?
Thats all for today jammers!
See ya tomorrow!


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1. No swearing or cussing on this blog, this includes putting stars instead of the letters
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4. Please do not get mad at other jammers as well as bully, make sure to stay positive as this blog is suppose to be fun!
Thanks for following these rules!
- Violet


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1. Always say nice and fun things.
2. Ask positive questions.
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Remember that every Jammer is cool just the way they are! Fun and happy jamming!