Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Wednesday, November 23, 2016


- Check out the maple leaf skirt
- A bit of blog news
Hey jammers!
Sorry for not posting the past few days I haven't had much time. 
I am really sorry:( On the bright side for me I got a new winter coat and winter boots! My winter boots are soooo fluffeh😋 . On the other hand I was at toys r us to get my nephew some lego for his birthday so I thought why not get a few more aj toys. AND YOU KNOW WHAT. They didn't have the houses. I was ashamed. They only had like the club geoz set, the animals with light up rings and the normal animals. They didn't even have the den sets or stuffies.
And I was gonna get 2 of the animals but my sister wouldn't let me😢.
Oh and my nephews made an account on aj and they want all the cool items.
Like I ain't giving them all my items. I gave one of them a few.
So ya.

Daily item:
I feel like I haven't done this in forever but you know.
Today we have the new maple leafe skirt sold in jam mart clothing for 550 gems!
This skirt is actually amaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing.
Like if this was a real life skirt I would definately wear it no joke.
Well if I wore skirts that is😂.

This is the skirt on the toucan.
Maybe it could go a bit higher.

Blog news kinda:
Okay guys.
No one came to the party on saturday.
I am a bit diapointed but then again you guys probably came on friday and didn't see the post with my apology of not being there and it will be on saturday instead.
So you have a 2 day notice to go to the party on friday it will be like 2 hours later.
Here is the new invitation:
Yeah I wrote the new times in this.
If I missed up on the times you can search it up and do 5:00EST to _____.
Hope to see you guys there!

And speaking of fashion shows no one has entered yet.
Im actually quite sad. Thats why I am keeping it open until i get atleast 5-10 people to enter!
And if no one enters then I am sorry you have just lost a fun blog activity to celebrate!
Sorry if that sounded kinda harsh. But I am being kinda and giving you more time than necassary.
The date will come once we get enough people.
Thats all for today jammers! See ya tomorrow bye!
Also whats your guys opinion on the new blogger update?
Personally I don't like it that much but....
I guess its okay:)


  1. You had a fashion show going on all this time!? I'm sorry! I'll enter it for sure! :D

    Wait....did I...

    Did I really...

    Did I just miss the second party!?

    1. Yeah, it was at the end of like every postXD No you didn't miss the party for today, it is later, don't worry:)

  2. Your blog soo bad. Please edit again your template man.


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Thanks for following these rules!
- Violet


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