Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

How to get unreleased items without hacking

Hey jammers! 
How are you all? For some reason I have a craving for subs, I don't know why but I do>:( Im gonna ask if we can have some for supper cause I AM STARVING!  Speaking of which all of a sudden 2 random people that me, my sister and brother don't know arrived? So now my parents are talking to them. After this post I am gonna play an adventure then probably work on the aj speed paint of the fail lady bug I didXD.

Today we have the new pirate ship couch sold in jam mart furniture for 800 gems!
This is actually such a nice new item, something WAY WAY WAY OUT THE WORLD. Actually I don't know if its out of the world but you know? Speaking of which, while getting this picture I realized that we have cafe items? Like I didn't realize!

Fan art
Now I don't usually get fan art but my buddy Purplestarclub drew this picture of my kangaroo which I adore and love so much!
Thanks so much purple! 

How to: Get unreleased items
Today I will be teaching you guys how to get unreleased items the hard way!
Thats right, you heard me the hard way! This way doesn't involve hacking it just involves clicking and clicking and clicking. Clicking? Hehe.

Step 1: Click on a random jammer
Be sure you are buddies with the jammer whom you do not know.
If not then you getting your rare unreleased items and becoming famous just ain't gonna work. Sorry peeps but thats how its suppose to roll... THEY SEE ME ROLLING THEY HATING!

STEP 2: Click on one of their items 100 times
If the a message doesn't pop up after 100 times your doomed. BUT GUESS WHAT? Just keep clicking till the message appears. JUST KEEP CLICKING, JUST KEEP CLICKING. Thats weird it sounds like dory. Just keep swimming just keep dorying.

Step 3: Click yes 
Okay after those clicks you just made a screen like this should pop up.
YOU HAVE TO CLICK YES! Or maybe no? DON'T PRESS NO! Or else you just wasted about 1000 minutes of your precious life. HAHA!

Step 4: Creating
Now it will take you to this mysterious painting place.
You just drawing your thing then press send to AJ. Then they should have it released in your inventory! 
Step 5: Making sure you didn't spend 500000000 minutes of your life
Okay so now your item should be in your inventory.
If not then you basically just spent 950000000000000 HOURS OF YOUR LIFE! 
Now you should be able to have it on your trade list and have all the jammers raving on about your item! DOES THAT NOT SOUND DELICIOUS?

How you guys enjoyed this how to. If you couldn't tell it was a joke how to but you know. 
So ya!

Thats all for today jammers!
See ya tomorrow!
I actually kinda feel like someone will search this up and then they will read this and actually try then realize it was just a joke.

1 comment:

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- Violet


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