Hey jammers!
Oh my god I am soooo sorry for not posting at all this week? Have you seen 0 posts? I know I haven't! I always mean't to post but stuff kept getting in the way I am so sorry! For that reason there will be 2 posts this weekend (hopefully) and 2 posts today 1 which will have the jamaa journal update which I am typing up now and another coming later at its usual time! And incase you were wondering? My birthday is coming up so there will be a contest(maybe) but foresure a party! I will also probably be gone the 17th for a real life party. And next tuesday for something, plus sometime in august I will be going camping for a few days which will mean no posts then:( Sorry guys! Enough of negative and postive stuff let's check out yesterday's update!
Ok for some reason I keep getting trades from people. Like I can't trade im trying to get pcitures for a post XD
The kangaroosn are back!
I actually can't remember that last an animal wasn't travelling. Were kangaroos even gone for long?
Beats me XD Im glad they are back though!
NEW ADVENTURES FINALLY! Right now we have 2 new adventures being tested by members, for now you need a wolf or arctic wolf but in the future you can use any animal and it will be for nonmembers hopefully! I am so glad we actually have new proper adventures I mean when was the last time we actually had one?
If you wanted to learn more about the adventures there is 2, 1 called proven grounds and the others hidden falls! These connect to eachother so once you finish one you go through a portal to the other, its actually quite cool! It seems quite fun for the only 5 minutes I have played of it so far. It kinda reminds me of transformice. I feel like it could be an app in a way?
Now on the jammerwall you can put your masterpieces on it to decorate! To be honest I don't really think many jammers use the jammer wall but thats just me. What do you think?
School house party is back! And the wind armour is back aswell!
Arctic foxes will be travelling in the next few weeks! I just gave my arctic fox a super cute and amzing look the other day which I will be posting on here later today!
And just another reminder of the meerkat promo!
So this is what it looks like.
So ya! That was my random masterpiece I made to test it out when it first came out XD!
Thats all for today jammers!
Don't forget to check back later for another post!
- Violet
I wish nm could use that masterpiece / Jammer Wall feature! I really like it; it's more personalized that way.