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Sunday, November 8, 2015

Play wild update #2

Hey jammers!
I didn't get around to changing the blogs template and editing yesterday but I should today:)
So today I have with you all the play wild updates! I thought it would be longer but I guess not.
Unless you count 4 pics long XD

I don't know why but I kinda wanna change my username on playwild. I don't know how that would work though since I'm logged into my aj account.
Okay so here is the jamaa journal cover:

Tigers have arrived with a den, outfit, and den items!
Best dressed has came. Fantasy castle has came.
And the trading party!

As you can see the fantasy castle is 4.59 dollars. And the royal tiger set is 7.00  I have to admit though the tiger deal is great! But I don't exactly like how every den and animal costs real life money. I understand they need to make money but I think more people would buy it if it was half the price. Not everyone is gonna wanna be spending 7 on a tiger when they can get it online for basically free!

Another thing I think playwild and animaljam should interact with eachother so if you play on mobile you can see your friends who are not on mobile if you know what I mean.

Since the trading party came I was gonna take a pic of it inside but it was in a hour so I decided to just take a screen shot. I've noticed that they have the same thing as on aj.

Okay so this is what best dressed looks like.
It's pretty much the same.

So ya this sums up the update! If you have any questions about playwild feel free to comment them below!
I forgot to mention that playwild is now available for iPhone and iPod!
It will be out for android before this year they are hoping!

Also... Does anyone remember the unreleased pumpkin couch?
Sure ya do! It got released. And I probably will get it!


That's aLl for today jammers!
See ya tomorrow!

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- Violet


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