Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Ima destroy you>:)

I am looking forward to tomorrow a lot. You wanna know why?
Well cause we have the jamaa journal update with lynxes, I am gonna hopefully be hanging out with friends tomorrow and I might get a chance to update and edit this blog! 
HEY HEY HALEY won't you save me? Sorry I just had to sing a song by 5sos....
XD Yesterday I went clothes shopping and I think I overdid it a bit... Whoops. 
But I was low soooo...... IDK anymore:(

I was having trouble a bit today trying to find the new item but we'll see if I can find it:)
Yup I can't seem to find it today... Sorry guys:( But I have come to conclusion that the new item is the back to school party:) Now its a good thing I found something funny to post or else this post would be nothing but babble talk XD. I should make a post once a month with just babble. Would you guys like that? OK I really need to stop my never ending chat....

I know I posted a randomness yesterday but...
I honestly don't understand these messages? Maybe this person is trying to destroy me?!
Actually I already know that :P 

Well thats all for today jammers!
See ya tomorrow!

- violet


  1. I love how there's skulls behind the "happy birthday".

  2. I'm also excited because I get tot see who's class I'm in too!

  3. Haha "imma destroy you"! Weird ppl... speaking of weird ppl, you should try saying random stuff to ppl in the Township sometime! It's fun to see ppl's reactions! Me and my sis did it yesterday and we gave everyone crazy nicknames! Mine were Bobbird, Wingyblingie, and Rocket Man! One girl didn't let me use Bobbird though... Lol!!!

  4. LOL probably a six year old trying to be weird XD


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- Violet


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