Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Thursday, September 17, 2015


Hey jammers!
I finally got iOS 9 today! 
And I just wanna screen record now.... 
I have 3.1 gb now though....

Today we have the jamaa journal update!
So lets hop right to it!
On the first page we have new pet elephants that were in the contest for pets a few months ago!
The lil ellies are sooo darn cute! 
I will get one but I have to delete a pet:(
Good bye little pet:'(

Page 2
On the second page we have returning wind armour and a new mini book for lynxes!
Wind armour yay! Im not that type of person who gets armour.
The only armour set I actually have is the ice armour from a membership I got!

Page 3
On page 3 we have a new and improved trading system!
You can now have up to 20 items for a trade!
This could mean LESS SCAMMERS YAY!
Probably not cause scammers still could scam and get items for free....

Page 4
On page 4 we have rhino day!
Yay now you get rhinos for half the price!

Page 5
On page 5 we have travelling kangaroos and a reminder about niht of the phantoms!
Bye kangaroos! Can't wait for the night of phantoms!

Page 6
On page 6 we have trading tips!
Yes animal jam we know:/

I rate this update 5/10

When you get 100 diamonds...
YES YES YES I GOT 100 diamonds!
Its the highest Ive ever gotten!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thats all for today jammers!
See ya tomorrow bye!
- Violet


  1. That trading picture with the fox and raccoon, XD! The fox all has like 13 items that its giving away, and the raccoon only has one spike wrist! XD! It seems like a sorta, um, OVERTRADE, but then again that stuff is not what people normally call 'fair' nowaways.


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- Violet


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