Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The gem theory

Hey jammers!
Sorry about the late post I took a nap and my internet wasn't working until now!
Its also been thundering for awhile now.
So yay?

Today we have the new princess vanity sold in epic wonders for 850 gems!
Is it me or is this kinda cheap for being sold in epic wonders?
Its only 850 gems. This gives me a good wonder for today.
I like this a lot though hopefully they make a prince one to for the boys(I forget how you make a tongue sticking out emoticon)....

Violet's drawing
I don't like this but I do like this....
I like the swirly things but not the actual design I am rating this drawing like a 
10/10 just kidding. Its like 2.5/10 XD. I just draw random stuff for this cause I have no ideas.

As you can see the first image is in epic wonders.
This has an item that should be located in jam mart furniture.
Epic wonders always has items over 1000 not lesser than 1000.

 This image is in jam mart clothing.
Notice there is an item over 1500 which should be in epic wonders.
Compared to an item that only costs 150 gems.
My wonder is...
Why do you think ajhq does this?
They should know how to run there own game but they can't do it properly once in awhile when it comes to new items.
Comment what you think!

Once upon a time I had a friend who was the lockness monster and I mean the lockness monster.
Lockness then was being a bad lockness monster and decided to get trapped in ice.
Now no one likes him:(
No one ever believes he's real. You can obviously tell he's real he's in a game duh.
Anyways lockness is now trapped in there forever and will never escape.
The end!

Ok so I am planning to have the contest up soon this week I will start working on it a bit.
I also finally added the ajlp art blog to the side.
I made it a loooong time ago maybe around a year a go or something?
I honestly don't know.

Anyways thats all for today jammers!
See ya tomorrow!


  1. It isn't pricing that makes the stores unique. Jam Mart isn't supposed to be a "cheap store" and Epic Wonders isn't only an "expensive store".
    It's the items that make each individual store special.
    Jam Mart clothing sells clothing only. Jam Mart furniture sells den items only.
    Epic Wonders, however, sells clothing AND furniture!
    The reason that they are more pricey at Epic Wonders is because they are...well.. EPIC!
    They are interactive.
    The seasonal tree item at Epic Wonders changes based on the real-life season. A lot of the items move when you click on them, too.
    Let us not forget the clothing, too! The diamond necklace sparkles and the armory sometimes glimmers.

    So that's my theory.

  2. Ahh typos! My worst nightmare... lol


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- Violet


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