Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Thursday, August 6, 2015


Hey jammers!
Today the jamaa journal came late again.
Hopefully it will be early next time like it used to be! 
Since today is the update lets take a look at it!

On the first page we have an announcement about national bee day!
I think I like all these ideas!
I'll show you all the bee items shortly...

On the second page...
We have new pet honey bees for all jammers!
Yay nonmembers finally got a new pet!
Hopefully this doesn't get taken away. Since ajhq added a new nm pet do you think they will add or make a member pet nonmember?

On the third page...
We have a new den item contest.
I thought this would come I just had a feeling.
You can vote for glitchy gear, a steampunk parlour or a movie theatre.
I chose the steampunk though I like the movie theathre better...

On the fourth page..
The beta party has returned yay!
Its the same like last year no new changes.

On the fifth page...
Snow leopards are coming back.
It didn't seem like they left for that long to be honest.
The video is funny the snow leopard did such an under trade.

On the sixth and final page...
Just a reminder about the pet ferret....

I rate this maybe a 5.3

So todays new items...
We have a bee hive hat. (what if the bees sting your face? Ouch that would hurt)
Then we have the wings.
And the antennas.

We have a beanbag chair.
What looks like a dresser.
And a honeycomb.
I have to admit I like the clothing items and the den items a lot especially the bee beanbag chair.
Which is TOTS cute.
I will have to get these soon...

And lastly...
I have to keep deleting my pets for a new pet cause WE NEED MORE INVENTORY SPACE:(
I was collecting all pets except now I'm not.
I have all the animals in jamaa for now.
I made it look sooooo fluffyXD I don't know if I like its outfit though:<)
The eyes are messed because of the way it was when I took the picture.

I have a party invitation for next weekend!
Its a day after my bday but whatever.
I forgot to mention don't forget to dress up bee like!
Hope you can make it!

Thats all for today jammers!
See ya tomorrow!


  1. Awesome!! I will try my best to come to your party Violet! :D If I can't though, I will try to send you a gift at least! Happy early B'Day!

  2. I might be camping but if I'm not I will come. Remind me of your party because I often space parties :P

  3. Ooh! I remember when on other blogs, people talked about your old party, I was sad that I missed it, but now we get a NEW partay! :DD

  4. Use this link,
    to please convert the time to Australia - New South Wales - Sydney
    I am horrible at time conversion, and I can't find your time, please convert it. I wanna come :L

    1. Um that converter confuses me XD My timezone is eastern though.
      People actually talked about my party?

    2. I converted it and it said it would be 5:00 AM for you.

    3. Luckily I made it to your blog anniversary party, but that was because I was at my grandma's house. I'm not sure I can make it though, i'm usually just waking up at 1 or 2 PM. ( I sleep in late, just taking advantage of the time I have to sleep before school) I will try my best though, I really hope that somehow I can come, your parties are awesome Violet! :D

  5. Um. Sorry but I have no comments anymore :( Plz come to my blog if you have time:

  6. I will like to come to your birthday party!


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- Violet


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