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Saturday, May 23, 2015

Weird usernames

Hey jammers!
Today is kinda just a long post about stuff so an on going post only a few things relate to aj.
I didn't have anything planned so maybe tomorrow we will have a rarity scan maybe?
Today we have the new binoculars sold in jam mart clothing for 500 gems!

These are actually pretty cute. Plus they are nonmember which is great.
I think the mechanical den item set is finished. Though to bad the original colour of these isn't brown.
Even though there is brown. I'd get the brown but this is actually a good item!
Good job Aj!

So I don't know why but here is some random AJ usernames.
I told you this post would be random.
Weird usernames

Unfortunately pickle potato is inactive:( 
But a very weird/funny username!

Sassy pants. My friend made up a song to sassy.
So Sassy super sassy so sassy super sassy.
Unfortunately sassy pants is inactive aswell:( 
These ares I just searched.

This person sent me a a trade I actually really like this username though it may not be the weirdest.

Okay I'll say say27779. 
See I did it say!

I don't even know what this means. 
Is it a name or something?
These 3 usernames are jammers online. 
The weirdest out of all the usernames are ALL!

Art requests
Ok so this is for racer you did this awhile order awhile ago so I made it last weekend.

You asked for a rainbow background with paws and your username on it.
I hope you like it!
@swirlshine yours will be coming soon I don't know if you want your wolf drawn or not? 

Now to end this post off I have some photography I did last weekend.
Photography/cool/cool pics


 2 Dandelions


Apple tree buds


Flowers this is my fav pic.
I do have a picture of me blowing dandelions though I'm not sure if I wanna post it.
I probably have posted these before.

There we go I have posted these before haven't I?
Well I told you this would be a long post.
So that's all for today jammers!
See ya tomorrow!


  1. Thanks Violet! You can draw OR take a picture for my wolf, It doesn't matter! Whatever one is easier for you! Thanks for remembering! ME SO HAPPY!! Lol!

  2. Oh my gosh, I love those photos you took! :O

  3. Oh my gosh, I love those photos you took! :O

  4. Thanks for the signature (I am Racer18808 just on a different account)

  5. Sirdippingsauce is actually a username XD


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- Violet


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