So today's new item is the heart rug sold at sunken treasures. It's underwater:()! Omg an underwater item!!!
Picture from AJS. Sold for 350 gems! It's super fuzzy!!!!!!!!! Hehe fuzzy!!!!!!
And now a video made by: Violet86271
So close an ️AJ short film...
Ugh just great:( I can't post videos on the app:( Or can I? MWAHAHA if my idea works!
Now it won't even let me paste!!!!!!!!!!
Ok I'll try to figure out how to post it... In the mean time here is my pusheen cat drawing.
U like it? This post would of been longer but no video so.
Oh YA here's my awesome idea! So you know how I want a YT channel but I'm not aloud one. Well I could post videos on google plus! Cause posting a ton of videos on here takes up way to much space. If you have any other ideas please tell!
That's all for today! And it's Friday the 13th.
That's an awesome idea!