Hey jammers!
Todays new item is the ice-cream jukebox from the ice cream parlour den set
Price: 450
Popularity: 90/100
It looks pretty fancy for an ice cream parlour it really does!
Daily explorer
Sorry for not posting the daily explorer lately
Are bats the only mammal that can fly? Thats a pretty good question...
Fun fact friday
Todays fun facts are about animals..
Did you know that elephants eat each others poo? Its suppose to help them digest
Theres a restaurant in the world where monkeys are waiters?
Hackers + Scammers
Hey sorry for not doing the hackers and scammers reports for weeks I kind of forgot about them oh well
Well today im gonna say some hackers and scammers to watch out for!
- 7 = hacker
- Congratulation = hacker
- Binx724 = scammer
Very sad :(
So today I went to my favourite blog the animal jam sky blog and the owner scooter said he was leaving I was in tears when he said that and he said he would be on aj for 46 more days:(
I know you read this blog scooter but i just wanna let you know thanks for all the nice posts and all the fun times on the ajsb they will be stored in my heart forever I just wanted you to know that you were the greatest guy ive ever met but i know plenty of ways we can communicate...
Blog news
On the left side of the blog there is a new poll please vote on it tyou have a week too
Wasn't it 64 more days?
Nope 46