Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Saturday, August 2, 2014

Gigantic,humongous,enormous tusks!

Hey jammers!
The newesy item in jamaa is the tucks they look especially good on the elephants and is sold in jam mart clothing
Price: 750
Fashion: 7/10
Popularity: 77/100
Altogether: 84/100
This item is a wonderful item for elephants you could even pretend to be a mammoth

Shout outs!
Todays shout out goes to pink200330

Your always such a great friend thats kind and loving and caring I know we don't hang out a lot but your still my friend and I always want it to be that way:)

Daily explorer
Looks like ajhq wants to help us learn about the food chain...

Anyways here are the 4 newest videos in the theatre 

Platypus hunt, plants, saving koala and mosquitoes

Last day to sign up!
Note if no one signs up then im choosing one of my friends
Check previous posts for what to enter for the sign ups I hope you remember

Thats all for today

1 comment:

Hey jammers! Here is just a list of commenting rules you need to follow before commenting.
1. No swearing or cussing on this blog, this includes putting stars instead of the letters
2. Don't copy any people's comments
3. If you are commenting anonymous make sure to comment down your username as well
4. Please do not get mad at other jammers as well as bully, make sure to stay positive as this blog is suppose to be fun!
Thanks for following these rules!
- Violet


Remember these rules while visiting the AJLP blog:
1. Always say nice and fun things.
2. Ask positive questions.
3. No inappropiate behavior! Always good behavior!
4. No swearing or being mean.

If you follow these rules then you will have a fun and safe time!
Remember that every Jammer is cool just the way they are! Fun and happy jamming!