Hey jammers!
Sorry for not posting yesterday :(
Anyways yesterdays new item was a stegasourous armour
Im gonna be adding something else soon to it i think?
Price: 2500 tickets
Fashion: 8/10
I think its very weird because you get a chance to become a real dinosaur!!!!! OMG SO FUN!!!!
Price: 2500
Fashion: 7/10
The tail looks more realistic then the armour actually if you actually compare them they do but just think of this YOU GET A CHANCE TO BE AN AMAZING DINOSAUR!! ROAR! LOL
So for todays random thing lets go be a dinosaur... Aww i cant be a dino im nonmember oh well...
Isn't it the best? I know I know i don't look like one :(
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X3 Rawwwwwwwwwwwrrrrrrrrrrrr and yus chu look like a dino :3 hehe