Price: 550
Looks: 10/10
Popularity: 100/100
Altogether: 110/100 (wow perfect scores)
It reminds me if the terrace table I think tomorrow they will either have a nonmember item or the tiki chairs
Today's fun fact Friday has a few did you knows....
Did you know that in beta days or right after animal jam gave out a free membership to all the beta testers... Pretty lucky
The new animal coming to jamaa is an otter it actually might be a nonmember animal:)
Time for jammer of the month sign ups!
Sign up today and tomorrow only for a change to be jammer of the month:)
All you need to do is comment
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Sorry for the short post today :(
I new the free membership thing but I never used it because I quit before I could try it but I came back in 2012 and noticed I missed it :(