So yesterday's new item was another type of alpha tiki statues so here is Lisa they look very similarly the sunken kinds there actually the same if you think about it!
HEHE there really creepy and funky!
Anyways so today was the party I was really DISAPOINTED when no one showed up but scooter he invited some people and they came a few stayed for like 5 mins then left and then only one person stayed and tryed to help me which I was glad so since that party didn't work out I'm gonna try it again on Tuesday so this Tuesday cuz no one came and fang will be there to remind everyone to come which would make me so happy!
Also tomorrow is the new jamaa journal what do you think ajhq will bring?
Sorry but belle the rhino will be made tomorrow
I'm really sorry I couldn't make it but its like midnight where I am when the party's on. Scooters a really nice jammer