Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Saturday, January 13, 2018

First LPOTM of 2018!

- Daily Item
- Weekly Masterpiece
- LPOTM for January announced
Hey jammers!
You guys: O.O
You guys: Um... Violet why are you singing cant stop the feeling, your suppose to be righting a post*
* CAN'T STOP THE FEELING IN MY BODDDDDDYYYYY. Ooops sorry guys got carried away...*
You guys: whatever you say;))))

XD. So yeah that song randomly came into my head out of nowhere so I thought to do a swirl related intro... Okay guys, exams are coming up. I must admit I have kinda nervous. Not so much for the french but for english and math. (I AM SO DONE WITH ENGLISH.)  Anyways, this week.... 
I have to my present my ISU on Tuesday. Then wednesday I have a french quiz. Then in gym we are doing the beep test and monstar (which is a bunch of excersises) and then on thursday I have to do a big test from the government that is mandatory so yeah. :) Wait that shouldn't be a smiley face it should be :(. Okay much better XD 

(also not doing jamaa explorations today because I don't feel up to it)
Daily Item:
Today we have the new frozen chaise couch sold in jam mart furniture for 950 gems!
:O This actually looks really cool. I don't know why but it does. A bit to expensive in my opinion but I wish this was for nonmembers.

Weekly Masterpiece:
This week's masterpiece goes too...

Congrats on getting your masterpiece featured:)
I love how this masterpiece is realistic. Also how only one brush is used the whole time on it.
This is very cool! Good job, Bailet!!

January's Paloozian of The Month:
This month's paloozian was hard to pick since no one entered or nominated...
January's Paloozian of the month is...
Thats all for today jammers!
See ya around Jamaa:)

1 comment:

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- Violet


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