Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Friday, December 29, 2017

What is the story behind your username?

- Daily Item
- Jamaa exploration
- Discussion
Hey jammers!
So today I decided to wear my dance studio hoodie that I finally got. I think I have mentioned this before, but since it is light pink I have to try to avoid getting dirt on it. Anyways, thats not the point. Since it is a medium so that its baggy and comfier (just the way I like itXD). Well whenever I wear it since it is a bit baggier than most of my hoodies I always feel like a giant marshmallowXD
Also does anyone know a good quiz/site to find out what your spirit animal is cause I tried to figure mine out but whatever I got it was a different animal.
So if you know any quizzes please let me know!
What is your spirit animal if you know what it is?

Daily item:
Today we have the hanging snowflake sold in jam mart furniture for 100 gems!
I know this item doesn't have much to it but I must admit its kinda nice. 
Plus its nonmember and 100 gems so what can't go wrong about that?

Jamaa Explorations:
Woah it has been so long since this topic has happened:O
Well let's get into then shall we?
But wait! What shall we explore today?
*Goes and checks*

Okay so today we will be exploring Captain Melvilles Juice Hut!
So let's go take a look...
Okay so in this small location in Crystal sands there is lots to do.
To the right is a microphone and guitar and speaker where you can perform on the stage. Next to that is a counter where you can make your own smoothie. Then beside that is the jukebox. Then to finish it off there is a claw game for you to collect plushies. Scattered around is also pillows and some fruit baskets hanging. Basically this is a nice place to hang out with friends.

Hope you enjoyed this small exploration!!

For today's discussion I thought it would be cool for readers of this blog to discuss the story behind our AJ usernames.
I think I know a few people's story, but not the others.

The story behind my username is when I first joined the game almost 5 years ago (woah time flies by fast)
I wanted my username to be a flower or whatever and I thought of Violet. I wasn't sure what to add to it so I just went with one of the default's they gave me which was Violet86271. 
So yeah!

Be sure to comment down the story behind your username in the comments!
Thats all for today jammers!
See ya soon!


  1. The story behind my username is:
    Ja would ALWAYS call me Sarahkey, it reallyyyyyyyyyy got on my nerves XD But after a while, I got use to it, and I put it in for my username, and I believe I was 8 at the time! So uhm it makes no sense how I always do "Sarahkey8" for my usernames because I'm not 8.. XDD

  2. The story behind my user... Well, it's a bit deeper than people might think by just looking at it.

    *clears throat* Ah, where to begin...

    Back in 2012/2013, I was obsessed with playing a popular game called Pixie Hollow. It was super fun and I always had a blast. I had a bunch of friends and we always talked and had fun.

    There was one girl who was my absolute BFF. She understood me, she made me smile, she comforted me. Her name was Cornflower.

    When the terrible news of Pixie Hollow closing in a few short months got released, my friends and I were panicked. I didn't want to lose them. Especially not Cornflower. My kind, sweet Cornflower who always knew what to do to make me smile.

    She didn't want to lose me either.

    So, we put our heads together and decided that she'd ask her mother if she could join Club Penguin. I was already playing it so I was the one who suggested playing it instead of Pixie Hollow when it shut down.

    Cornflower doubted her mom would allow her to play Club Penguin.

    But she got to make an account.

    The user was Lostfairy.

    Because Cornflower was going to be become a lost fairy after Pixie Hollow closed.

    We exchanged users for Club Penguin and thought we'd be fine.

    When September 19th, 2013 rolled around, I was there when the game ended. It was half an hour late. All of my friends were sobbing and saying goodbye. When it took a while for it to end, we thought we'd be fine. Me and Cornflower headed to a party and played our favorite game.

    That was when we got kicked out of the game.

    Pixie Hollow was done.

    I went on Club Penguin a day later and asked Cornflower to be my friend on there.

    No reply.

    Weeks turned into months. I never saw her again.

    Years later, I found AJ. When my username got rejected, I decided on one that seemed to fit me.


    Because I am forever lost from Pixie Hollow, it was taken away from me.

    It took Cornflower with it.

    (sorry for this outrageously long comment!!!)


Hey jammers! Here is just a list of commenting rules you need to follow before commenting.
1. No swearing or cussing on this blog, this includes putting stars instead of the letters
2. Don't copy any people's comments
3. If you are commenting anonymous make sure to comment down your username as well
4. Please do not get mad at other jammers as well as bully, make sure to stay positive as this blog is suppose to be fun!
Thanks for following these rules!
- Violet


Remember these rules while visiting the AJLP blog:
1. Always say nice and fun things.
2. Ask positive questions.
3. No inappropiate behavior! Always good behavior!
4. No swearing or being mean.

If you follow these rules then you will have a fun and safe time!
Remember that every Jammer is cool just the way they are! Fun and happy jamming!