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Monday, December 18, 2017

PLusHiE eDitS

- Daily Item
- Edit
Hey jammers!
I am here again posting!! WOO HOO! Don't yall just love it when I post a lot?
I know I do:) I mean i didn't really have much homework tonight. I could be working on my ISU and french project but I can honestly do most of that at school so yeahhhhh. Hmm what happened today? Today in gym the power went out:D 
How has your days been? Anything interesting happen?

Daily item:
Today we have the rare ginger bread wings sold in jam mart clothing for 1800 gems!
These are nice. I wish I could really redo this item but I can't really and I was really looking for to doing a rim redo. Oh well. This is also nonmember. But I must admit though it is kinda expensive it needs to lower by like 1000 gemsXD

Here is what it looks like on bunnies:
Aw it actually goes quite well with this outfit. Only if I had enough gems...
Plushie Edits:

So today I decided to make some plushie edits!
They aren't really to complex since I just drew on them. But I am making them bigger so its easier to see the edit. 
This first one I edited an otter. So I added brown hair and a flower and then a necklace and bracelet. It was suppose to be like a girl who gets dressed up for an event.

The second one is the lynx. I added some glasses and then a pencil on the side.
Its suppose to be a lynx who is ready for school.

This one is a tiger. I added a winter hat and a scarf. It suppose to be a winter themed plushie.

This one is a goat. I added a headband shirt and pants. It was suppose to be like a goat who was working out but I am not really sure it actually shows.

Anyways, these were actually quite fun to make! I think swirl has actually done something like this before. If you have any suggestions for plushies to create, make sure to comment them down!

(Maybe I will add these to my art commissions which no one ever ordersDX)
Thats all for today jammers!
See ya soon.
*Also forgot to mention in the post, but thank you Transions for this signature! I love it a lot and it will be put to good use:)*


  1. Awesome edits! Also, I saw your comment about Pink. I accidentally deleted it somehow, but if you see her again tell her I miss her!

  2. Awesome plushie edits! ^.^ The lynx one is my favorite! :D


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- Violet


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