Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Tuesday, July 11, 2017


- Check out todays new mira pendant
- Learn how to look like a rockstar
- Legendary Paloozian Of the Month announced
- Howl of the week
- See the echidna I finally got!
Hey jammers! 
Sorry for not posting the past 2 days, things got in my way and I was unable to post. 
I won't be doing the imagine today cause the post is already gonna be long enough the way it is. So I thought to just do the how to since I was more willing to do that today instead. You would have got the imagine if I didn't have to announce the legendary paloozian of the month and the howl of the week. And show you guys my echidna. THAT I FINALLY GOT:):):):)

Daily item:
Today we have the new mira pendant sold in the diamond shop for 1 diamond!
I actually really like this item. It kinda looks like a necklace that I would actually wear in real life. And its also a decent price. Plus I bet you it looks good on all animals:D

Here is what it looks like on rhinos:
How to look like a rockstar:
So for today's how to I decided to show to you guys how to be a rockstar.
Here we go...

You will need the following items....
Some kind of Crazy head piece like funky hair, or ice spikes, rocker shoes, and an instrument.
Put your items on which ever animal you choose. For this I decided to do an elephant.
Then change the colours, so it matches your outfit.
Then your done!!!

That how to was probably very crappy considering I have like no rockstar items.
Sorry about that....

Legendary Paloozian of the month:
Okay, this month's paloozian was very easy to choose, considering she signed up and got voted!
Now to reveal this month's LPOTM.....
This month's legendary Paloozian of the month goes too....
NAFARIA8!!!(aka Cuddly)

Howl Of the week:
Unfortunately, no one ended up commenting down a howl for this week. So I will re ask the question and then I will choose the howl for next week...
Here is the question I asked last week:
How would you feel if AJ shut down in the next update?

What would you do?

Make sure to comment down your howls for it!!

My pet echidna:
Today I logged onto AJ to find my eggs opened and when I saw the echidna. I WAS SOOOO HAPPY AND STILL AM!!! So I decided to post some pictures of it:)
Above is it's certificate.
I added some items to it!

I am actually glad mine is one of the cuter echidnas because I have seem some and I didn't really like them. But I like mine so thats okay!!
Thats all for today jammers!
See ya tomorrow!!
- Violet

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- Violet


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