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Friday, February 24, 2017

Daily Spring Items

- Check out the shamrock glasses
- Read about spring items 
- Check out the weather change in jamaa!
Hey jammers!
So I realized that so far week I have posted everyday except for.... wednesday. But I mean thats the best I have posted in a row for a very long on here. Impressive eh? Today the post isn't gonna be from any of the topics of today's date. One reason, I don't wanna post today's stuff cause I realllly don't feel like it and 2 I have a few other news things to talk about!
Daily Item:
Today we have the returning shamrock glasses sold in jam mart clothing for 300 gems!
These are nice glasses, if you wanna get into the festive mood of St. Patricks day!
I feel like these glasses should be nonmember as well. They are also a great price!

Here is what they look like on a bunny:

Jamaa News:
Today I logged onto animaljam and saw a new jamaa journal update.
To my surprise I thought we didn't get one this week, which we don't it was just a new front page which said...
For the next 6 days animal jam will release 2 new spring items in the diamond shop.
I really hope they release the odd one for nonmembers cause that would be really unfair>:( I really wanna get these items, but unfortunately I don't have a membership and probably won't for another few months or so...

Here is today's items:
Both are for 3 diamonds! 
I actually realllllly love the spring flower braid its seriously so NICE AND CUTE! I wish I could buy it:(

In other news...

Also in other news...
While sending jags the other day. I realized aj had added my den or your den to the chat!
I am actually so glad they did this. I don't know how many times in the past I have tried to tell someone this and couldn't.
Do you think the odd spring item should be for nonmembers?

Thats all for today jammers!
See ya!
- Violet


  1. Spring items are amazing XD
    And I would buy you the spring items but uh no diamonds DXD I got both items by trade

    1. Aww, that would be so sweet Sarah, but you don't have to buy them for me even if you did have diamonds:)


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- Violet


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