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Thursday, February 23, 2017

The discovery of Pawprints: A mini comic

- Check out the returning leprauchaun shoes
- Learn about SLOTHS
- Read a funny comic of discovering pawprints

Hey jammers!
Sorry for the once again late post. I was checking blog posts from blogs.
You know the usual stuff. And I had math but that surprisingly only took me like 10-15 minutes. Shocking eh?
IKR!!!!! There is this magazine I ordered called national wildlife and it hasn't came yetD:
Daily Item:
Today we have the returning leprauchaun shoes sold in jam mart clothing for 500 gems!
These are quite green and a nice price!

Here is my bunny with the shoes:
Kinda look like high heels.
Fun facts about SLOTHS:
Today we have a few fun facts about sloths!
Sometimes I like to post facts about things other than animals but I can never think of anything so if you have any ideas PLEASE COMMENT THEM DOWN BELOW:)
 1. Sloths are found in jungles of south and central America.
2. Sloths can extend there tongues out of their mouth to 10 -12 inches.
3. A sloths body is only 50-60cms long
The discovery of Pawprints: A mini comic:

the end.
Today I have only 1 question for you which is...

What was your favourite fact about sloths?
Thats all for today jammers!
See ya!

1 comment:

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- Violet


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