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Sunday, January 15, 2017

ANIMAL JAM BOOKS (Novels+Insiders guide second edition)

- Check out the returning snowman hat
- See Animal jam's new books coming out
Hey jammers!
It has been 2 days since I have posted last. You see on Friday I had to go get passport pictures done again, since the the stamp on them was blurry and you needed a signature from someone who you have know for 2 years or more with a passport. Then yesterday I was sick:(
So yeah! Instead of doing a jamaa spotlight this week or a how to I thought I might do some jamaa news on books soon to be coming to animal jam. Sorry for the inconvenience. We also just hit 65 000 PAGEVIEWS!!!!! At least this week there isn't any news taking over the whole post.

Daily item:
Today we have the returning snowman hat sold in jam mart clothing for 250 gems!
This snowman mask is actually quite a decent price considering what it is.
If your a penguin you could wear this mask and then YOU COULD BE A FULL SNOWMAN:O
Tell me about itXD

Here it is on an arctic fox:

Jamaa News:
If you like to keep up to date with the latest news in jamaa you might recall hearing about 2 books coming this year but if you haven't heard you are in the right place! After I talk about these books I will even let you know about a SECOND EDITION INSIDERS GUIDE TOO!

Both novels coming out will be released on JUNE 27, 2017!
Book #1
You can pre order this one in Canada on amazon for $9.41 and in the US for only $7.99!
Description given:
Welcome to Jamaa, a peaceful place full of forests, canyons, and beaches where all kinds of animals have adventures together! But did you know that Jamaa wasn't always so peaceful? A long time ago, evil phantoms wreaked havoc and destroyed the land. Luckily, brave animal leaders called the Alphas came to the rescue. They battled the phantoms and restored Jamaa to its natural state. Now Jamaa is back to its old self and ready to be explored by you and all the other Animal Jammers!

Fans of the popular Animal Jam game (as well as newcomers) are sure to love Call of the Alphas, which expands the online world. And readers will be given exclusive access to new online adventures through a special code in the text!

Book #2
You can also pre order this one in Canada for $9.41 as well and you can buy this in the US for $7.99!
Description given:
Something’s going on in Jamaa. Plants are dying, the water is murky, and animals are spooked. Are the Phantoms back? Some of the Alphas investigate a suspicious volcano while others are hot on the trail of another lead. Can the Alphas work together to face the newest threat? It will take all of them save Jamaa…and time is running out.

Fans of the popular Animal Jam game (as well as newcomers) are sure to love this book that expands the online world. And readers will be given exclusive access to new online adventures through a special code in the text!

Are you guys excited for these novels coming in about 5 months?
Both books also have exactly 144 pages each! They are actually a decent price. Which is fairly nice!

Now if you recall a few years ago animal jam releasing a guide book to animaljam. Well a new one is coming out this year aswell. It will be released....
OCTOBER 31, 2017! 
So now you can have a second edition one with the latest info! 
You can preorder this in Canada for 13.99 or in the US for 12.99!
This is 272 pages.

Hope you guys enjoy all the books coming soon this year!


Don't forget to enter the contest if you haven't yet!
The answer to Thursday's riddle was..

Which Animal Jam book are you excited the most for?

What do cows read in the morning?

Be sure to comment below your answers!
Thats all for today jammers!
See ya tomorrow hopefully!

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- Violet


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Remember that every Jammer is cool just the way they are! Fun and happy jamming!