Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Thursday, July 10, 2014

The return of rhinos. Palooza party

Hey jammers!
Sorry for not posting yesterday my brother had to out in a hard drive into his computer cuz apple wouldn't do it:(

Anywyas before I start with the new jamaa journal I'm gonna show yesterday's new item first

It goes along with the terrace table because it matched the the terrace table and it's suppose to I think they shoukd of do e strips instead of checkers tho:(


I'm so excited that the rhinos are back! Welcome back rhinos

The newest underwater adventure has came in too deep to bad it's for members:(
The summer carnival has A new game finally at first it's easy but then it gets harder I'm not sure what my record is on it tho
THE HATA PALOOZA IS BACK YAY! same with the jamaalodays? Weird?

That's been the latest jamaa journal

Today's new item is a horse claw it reminds me of the wolf claw 

It's 3 diamonds too!

I'm gonna be starting to do the posts a little bit differently soon 
Also I need a name for you guys should it be legendary paloozas? Legend paloozies? Or what share your ideas in the comments or email your idea to violet86271aj@gmail.com also remember to enter he contest to find more about it check out the contest page 

That's all for today have a great day!


  1. Jamaalidays are here because in Australia it's winter! : 3 I live in North America, so it's summer for me, but in Australia I think winter holidays are celebrated in July.

    1. You have the puffin app too! : D I use that app often for AJ and other sites..


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- Violet


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