Hey jammers!
Sorry for the lack of posting this week I couldnt really use my brothers computer this week cause he was using it a lot and he needed to replace is hardrive and other stuff not gonna get into details
So todays new item is a diamond tiara
It reminds me of yesterdays crown and the diamond encrusted necklace so for now im gonn abe saying the price and the fashion of it like this...
Price: 1,250
Fashion: 8/10
Just because it seems kind of princessie but I like it tho
Yesterdays new item was a diamond crown
Price: 1,250
Fashion: 6/10
I think it could look a bit more like a crown
Todays shout out is to...
Your always such a nice friend and always so kind and sweet thanks for being my friend:)
Awww the shout out is so sweet!