Hello! If you would like to have your blog featured, please comment down below your blog's name and the URL. Note that the blogs are not listed in order of how good they are compared to others.
Animal jam river blog
Pepsi the cheetah (plushie comic series)
aj survival guide
Incredible tough cats How to do animal jam
Aj best friend blog
Animal Jam happenings
Animal jam active
Another alpha legend
Dream miner Aj
Animal jam explorer lodge
Animal jam magical
Animal jam GO
Animal jam moon
The jamaa mist
Marco Alphas
Animal jam claw blog
The animal jam whip
AJ snoodle blog
Flying over jamaa
The animal jam leaf
The weekly jammer news
The animal jam paws
Animal jam newspaper
The animal jam moon
Animal jam utopia
Animal Jam ledger
The animal jam fire pack
Animal Jam Gal 101
Animal Jam jumble
Animal Jam Forest Site
Recent Jamaa News
The Animal Jam Moon
Animal Jam Passage
Animal Jam Mega Snow
Pepsi the cheetah (plushie comic series)
aj survival guide
Incredible tough cats How to do animal jam
Aj best friend blog
Animal Jam happenings
Animal jam active
Another alpha legend
Dream miner Aj
Animal jam explorer lodge
Animal jam magical
Animal jam GO
Animal jam moon
The jamaa mist
Marco Alphas
Animal jam claw blog
The animal jam whip
AJ snoodle blog
Flying over jamaa
The animal jam leaf
The weekly jammer news
The animal jam paws
Animal jam newspaper
The animal jam moon
Animal jam utopia
Animal Jam ledger
The animal jam fire pack
Animal Jam Gal 101
Animal Jam jumble
Animal Jam Forest Site
Recent Jamaa News
The Animal Jam Moon
Animal Jam Passage
Animal Jam Mega Snow
Could you put my blog on? It's pepsithecheetahanimaljam.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteCan you put my blog on there it is AJCoolJammers.blogspot.com
ReplyDeletecould you please add my blog: http://ajsurvivalguide.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteIts called the animal jam survival guide, i will add your blog to my blog list :D
could you put,
It is called
Incredible Toughcats How to do Animal Jam
could you put the AJBestFriend blog up there.
ReplyDeleteCan you put my blog on? It's Animal Jam Happenings (http://animaljamhappenings.blogspot.com/).
Hi! I love your blog! Can you put mine on the list? animaljamactive.blogspot.com
I would really appreciate you putting my blog up it is http://anotheralphalegend.blogspot.ca/ (I just started it)
ReplyDeleteIt's called Another Alpha Legend
BTW I totally understand if you don't
Could you please add my blog? The Animal Jam Explorer Lodge
can u put mine down it's Animal Jam Magical http://animaljammagical.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteCan you put my blog on there.
My is sabrinacarpenterfanclub.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteplz put it up
The name is Sabrina Carpenter Fan Club
Deletesorry but its not animal jam related
DeleteCan you add up mine as well?
ReplyDeleteThe Jamaa Mist
Hi Violet!!!
ReplyDeleteCan u please put the aj sunshine blog up there?! IT IS NOT MY BLOG (2 FANGWOLF OWNS IT) But i just think Wow the ajsb is amazinggg
So please put it up there :)
The blog is already put up!
Delete- vi
can you list my blog please? I can do a picture for the blog in return!
I made a story blog! http://marcoalphas.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteHi violet! Can you add my blog? Its called the Animal jam claw blog! Here is the link!!!
Well I hope you can add it! BTW I love your blog its so awesome!
Can you please add mine? :3
ReplyDeletemylittlejammers.blogspot.com My Little Jammers :)
Could you add the Animal Jam Whip? www.animaljamwhip.blogspot.com. Thanks Vi! ^_^
ReplyDeletecan u add The Animal Jam Hoot?
ReplyDeleteAnimal Jam Mercury
Could you put all things animal jam that would really make my day
ReplyDeletewhat is the link
DeletePlease add my Flying Over Jamaa (flyingoveraj.blogspot.com) and follow because right now my only follower is my brother.
ReplyDeleteHey, Vi! Could you add my blog, the Animal Jam Leaf? Here's the URL. animaljamleaf.blogspot.com Thanks!
ReplyDeleteOops, I meant theanimaljamleaf.blogspot.com. CX
DeleteMine is The Weekly Jammer News!
ReplyDeletePlease add mine:
And please read it and comment, because I only have one commenter other than me and she only commented once.
I don't care if you follow or not, I only want the commenters.
ReplyDeleteCould you please add my blog
ReplyDeletetheanimaljampaws.blogspot.com ?
Thank you :)
Please add Animal Jam Newspaper - animaljamnewspaper.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteThank you ^.^
can you add mine? theanimaljammoon.weebly.com
if u find time can u add mine ( hay cooky) http://ajutopia.blogspot.ca/ thats the link (and 2fangwolf made it for me shes sooooo awesome)
ReplyDeleteCould you post mine please? It is called the Animal Jam Ledger.
Could you post mine please? It is called the Animal Jam Ledger.
Could you put up The Animal jam Fire Pack on? URL: http://theanimaljamfirepack.blogspot.com/?m=0
ReplyDeletehttp://animaljamgal101.blogspot.com/ Plz put mine on?!
ReplyDeleteCould you please add Animal Jam Jumble? http://animaljamjumble1.blogspot.ca/
ReplyDeleteHi can you add my blog animaljamforestsite.wordpress.com? Thanks!
~ Iluvsnowdrop
Heya Violet, this is a pretty neat blog. Would ya' mind to add my blog too? http://recentjamaanews.blogspot.com/ Jamaa Times
Hi! Could you please add my blog? It's the animal jam moom blog here is the url.
Whoops! I changed the url, it's
Could you please call it: the animal jam moon blob/blog?
Thanks, sorry for posting twice
Hi there, sorry for commenting twice, but I've moved blogs!
~ Iluvsnowdrop
Heyo! Could you put Animal Jam According to Mega and Snow (animaljammegasnow.wordpress.com) on?
ReplyDeleteHehehe... Could you add me? :D
Thanks so much!
Hi :D
ReplyDeleteCan you add my blog?
Link: http://animaljamwintery.blogspot.com/
Thanks o3o