Welcome to the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! Feel free to look around, comment and of course have a good time! There are lots of pages and posts to read from. Make sure to leave a comment, and have a good day!-Violet
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Saturday, September 22, 2018

Fall den progress

- Daily Item
- Fall Den Progress
Hey jammers!
How are you all? Sorry for not posting again since last week.... I kinda get distracted and um don't wanna post so yeah:P Anyways, I found a new band called, Why Don't We. And they are soooo cute... (sssp I already have a favourite and he's the youngest) plus if I really get into them I wanna go to a concert of their's and they are coming near me next year in April! SQUEEEEEE. Also one of my fav youtuber couples broke up... I also volunteered today and I get to volunteer more next weekend. But, I have a math test on tuesday... there is gonna be lots of word problems too which is gonna suck cause I am not the best at word problems sometimes and then they take me forever to figure out...  But hopefully I can get more practise to be a pro at them by Tuesday! Plus my math sheet that we did on class on Friday flew away, so i couldn't finish the last problem... 
Guess that means more practise for the test on word problems:D

Okay I should probably stop rambling away right now, cause I don't think any of you ever even read the intro... Im not even sure how many of you even read this blog anymore.... Anyways!! I also started dance again on Tuesday. I do 3 classes in a row.... 

Daily Item:
Today we have the returning lampshade hat sold in jam mart clothing for 500 gems!
I guess this is an interesting hat. A reasonable price. 

Here is what it looks like on a seal:
Hehe it looks a little funny... 
Fall Den Progress:
I thought i'd post some of my fall den progress so far. 


Inside Den:


This isn't done yet since I am needing more fall den items specifically nm. If you have any nm fall den items please let me know and then we can sort out a trade! 
I am not looking for night of the phantom items either. 
Or even if you have orange, red or yellow items that would be great!

Thats all for today jammers!!
See ya soon! 

"You were put on this Earth for a reason."



  1. Hey Vi, it's Cutepups! I decided to finally comment something :)
    I looked up that band on YouTube, and now I have another band to listen to. Thanks!
    Ugh, math is hard. Word problems make math even harder. Good luck!
    Lampshade hat, huh. AJ sure has strange hat ideas..
    Ooh, neat! I like how you stuck to a red and orange color scheme for your den. I like the outside especially.

    1. Hi cutepups! Thanks for the comment:) it feels like forever since we talked last... I’m still following your blog though even though I never comment lol.

      Isn’t it a good band? Yeah I hate word problems DX Thanks for the compliment on my den, I really should add some yellows and browns

    2. Well, I haven't been commenting on other blogs and going on AJ in forever, so it's not that big of a surprise. I'm kinda surprised you still remember me. Oh yeah, I saw. ^-^'

      Yeah. I like how catchy their songs are. Word problems make the math problem so much more complicated, ugh. I have my first math exam on Wednesday, so I'm trying to study for that too. No problem!

  2. Your den looks fantastic! Hey, I love the intros, they're always silly and I like seeing how you're doing. Good luck on your test!

    1. Thanks! OOh im glad you read the intros:) Now I know some people do read it! Thanks for the good luck:)

  3. OOOH! i'm excited to see the finished den! Also it was really fun hanging out on AJ with you! Hope to do it again. :)

  4. Your fall den looks great so far! Once the Night of the Phantoms starts some more den items should become available. I know there are tons of Autumn-y items in Twists and Turns, but that's not until November. Gah, I kinda wish I had at least one fall tree left so I could give it to you. Ah well

    And good luck on your test! I've been having a hard time with tests and quizzes these first few weeks of school, but honestly it's only because I forget to study XD

    1. Oh snap! Im not sure if I can wait that long for the adventure, :( Ill figure out something! Thanks, I hate studying so much for tests cause it takes me forever to remember stuff for school, if ya know what I mean!

  5. That fall den looks super cool! :O

  6. Holy crap you still run an AJ blog? That’s dedication! :P

    1. Thank you! I still enjoy it, so why stop? Who is this?


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- Violet


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